= Ways of Organizing Textual Information =

Tagging: keywords are applied to a document, functioning as a marker interfaces. A tag can also be tagged, applying its keyword to the document tagged with the receiving tag (i.e. tags may be organized hierarchally)

Text Search: Search for patterns in a document's body and/or a subset of its metadata.

Navigation: For traversal of documents with hyperlinks, the order that documents visited presents a narrative in the form of a directed graph. Breadcrumbs, history, what links to here, what links from here, and presentation of the directed graph are navigational orgaizational tools.

Hierarchy. A document can contain an arbitrary number of ordered children which can thesmelves contain children. A table of contents is a navigational aid for hierarchal documents.

Indexing: Indices may be build from functional transforms of a document's body and metadata. An example of a simple index is "documents authored by k0s". A more complex example is "documents written by English authors". For the latter case, implementation details aside, you look up the set of author documents with birth metadata of England and find all documents written by these authors.

Note that these methods overlap both in terms of context and in practical implementation.