An ex of mind once said, "If it weren't for sex, the world would be a boring place." I was shocked at the truth of this brazen statement, but as I have thought abot it, what I find abhorrent about it is that it speaks from the perspective of the gods, not of fail, jealous, suffering humanity. One might equally say, "You need a Hitler every so often to shake up the place."
The only worthwhile pursuit in life is telepathy -- opening and connecting with other conciousness in the deep substrata of the mind. You can put mystical significance uon this, or you can equate telepathy to deep psychology. From far enough away, the perspectives are similarly naive.
Maybe Hryn and the Buddha are correct. Well, of course they are. The only truth is undifferentiated conciousness and any ascription of identity is fundamentally flawed. Still, as a human being, I have had great conversations and more with other human beings. More frustrating, on a daily basis I see couples with simpatico. I think ... why doesn't this happen to me?
I suppose part of the problem is that I want the pill without the poison. What I want:
- someone I can adore
- someone I can implicitly trust
- someone that will believe in me
- someone I can share life with -- live with, sleep with, all those silly things
What I don't want:
- children
- excessive drama
- illusion
Is this a self-consistent set of criteria? I'm not sure, to be honest.
There are two entangled flaws with my wish for love and closeness:
So where does this leave me? I can pretend I'm a monk and attempt the practice of telepathy without attachment. Or I can pursue a relationship, hoping that somehow I can find someone where we can give each other a measure of comfort against the odds of the universe. I'm no monk. While I will endeavor to become less attached to this mortal coil, I cannot live as one looking and never touching. So I'll look for closeness and hope, in this world of three billion girls, I happen across one with simpatico wishes.