changeset 201:65684aae6bfe

make unittest template smarter
author Jeff Hammel <>
date Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:48:41 -0700 (2014-07-09)
parents 5a2edca13b36
children 2d009a183d53
files makeitso/
diffstat 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/makeitso/	Tue Jun 24 11:44:43 2014 -0700
+++ b/makeitso/	Wed Jul 09 15:48:41 2014 -0700
@@ -28,126 +28,134 @@
 from template import MakeItSoTemplate
 from template import Variable
 class SetupPy(MakeItSoTemplate):
     """template for"""
     templates = [('python_package', '')]
 class Unittest(MakeItSoTemplate):
     """template for python unittest"""
     templates = [('python_package', 'tests', 'test_{{package}}.py')]
+    def pre(self, variables, output):
+        if 'package' not in variables:
+            package = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(output.rstrip(os.path.sep)))[0]
+            indicator = 'test_'
+            if package.startswith(indicator):
+                package = package[len(indicator):]
+            variables['package'] = package
 class PythonTemplate(MakeItSoTemplate):
-  """abstract base class for python-type templates"""
-  vars = [Variable('description'),
-          Variable('author', 'author of the package'),
-          Variable('email', "author's email"),
-          Variable('url', 'project url'),
-          Variable('repo', 'project repository'),
-          ]
+    """abstract base class for python-type templates"""
+    vars = [Variable('description'),
+            Variable('author', 'author of the package'),
+            Variable('email', "author's email"),
+            Variable('url', 'project url'),
+            Variable('repo', 'project repository'),
+        ]
-  def output2name(self, path):
-    return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path.rstrip(os.path.sep)))[0]
+    def output2name(self, path):
+        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path.rstrip(os.path.sep)))[0]
 class PythonScriptTemplate(PythonTemplate):
-  """template for a single python script"""
-  templates = [('python_package', '{{package}}', '{{main}}.py')]
-  vars = [Variable('description')]
+    """template for a single python script"""
+    templates = [('python_package', '{{package}}', '{{main}}.py')]
+    vars = [Variable('description')]
 class PythonModuleTemplate(PythonTemplate):
-  """single module python package"""
-  # TODO: this should use the same files as PythonPackageTemplate
-  templates = ['python_module',
-               ('python_package', '{{package}}', '{{main}}.py')]
-  vars = [Variable('description')]
-  look = False
+    """single module python package"""
+    templates = ['python_module',
+                 ('python_package', '{{package}}', '{{main}}.py')]
+    vars = [Variable('description')]
+    look = False
-  def pre(self, variables, output):
-    variables['project'] = variables['module'] = variables['main'] = self.output2name(output)
+    def pre(self, variables, output):
+        variables['project'] = variables['module'] = variables['main'] = self.output2name(output)
-  def post(self, variables, output):
-    shutil.move(os.path.join(output, '{{}}'),
-                os.path.join(output, variables['main']))
+    def post(self, variables, output):
+        shutil.move(os.path.join(output, '{{}}'),
+                    os.path.join(output, variables['main']))
 class PythonPackageTemplate(PythonTemplate):
-  """
-  python package template
-  """
-  name = 'python-package'
-  templates = ['python_package']
-  vars = [Variable('description'),
-          Variable('author', 'author of the package'),
-          Variable('email', "author's email"),
-          Variable('url', 'project url'),
-          Variable('repo', 'project repository'),
-          ]
-  look = False
-  # things that go in
-  dependencies = {'': ['webob'],
-                  '': ['MakeItSo']}
-  console_scripts = {'': '{{project}} = {{package}}.{{main}}:main',
-                     '': '{{package}}-template = {{package}}.template:main'
-                     }
-  def __init__(self, **kw):
-    MakeItSoTemplate.__init__(self, **kw)
+    """
+    python package template
+    """
     # TODO: get the templates you actually care about [maybe from the CLI?]
-  def pre(self, variables, output):
-    """
-    sanitize some variables
-    """
-    # get project from output directory
-    variables['project'] = self.output2name(output)
+    name = 'python-package'
+    templates = ['python_package']
+    vars = [Variable('description'),
+            Variable('author', 'author of the package'),
+            Variable('email', "author's email"),
+            Variable('url', 'project url'),
+            Variable('repo', 'project repository'),
+        ]
+    look = False
-    # get package name from project
-    allowable = set(string.letters + string.digits + '_')
-    if not set(variables['project']).issubset(allowable):
-        raise AssertionError("Illegal fields in package name")
-    variables['package'] = variables['project'].lower()
+    # things that go in
+    dependencies = {'': ['webob'],
+                    '': ['MakeItSo']}
+    console_scripts = {'': '{{project}} = {{package}}.{{main}}:main',
+                       '': '{{package}}-template = {{package}}.template:main'
+                   }
-    # name of CLI main file
-    variables['main'] = 'main'
+    def pre(self, variables, output):
+        """
+        sanitize some variables
+        """
+        # get project from output directory
+        variables['project'] = self.output2name(output)
-    # dependencies
-    dependencies = set([])
-    for template, dependency in self.dependencies.items():
-      dependencies.update(dependency)
-    dependencies = list(dependencies)
-    variables['dependencies'] = dependencies
+        # get package name from project
+        allowable = set(string.letters + string.digits + '_')
+        if not set(variables['project']).issubset(allowable):
+            raise AssertionError("Illegal fields in package name")
+        variables['package'] = variables['project'].lower()
+        # name of CLI main file
+        variables['main'] = 'main'
+        # package dependencies
+        dependencies = set([])
+        for template, dependency in self.dependencies.items():
+            dependencies.update(dependency)
+        variables['dependencies'] = list(dependencies)
-    # console_scripts
-    console_scripts = []
-    for template, console_script in self.console_scripts.items():
-      console_scripts.append(console_script)
-    if console_scripts:
-      s = 'setup(' # placeholder string
-      script_strings = ['[console_scripts]']
-      for console_script in console_scripts:
-        template = ContentTemplate(console_script)
-        output = template.substitute(project=variables['project'],
-                                     package=variables['package'],
-                                     main=variables['main'])
-        script_strings.append(output)
-      variables['console_scripts'] = '\n'.join([' ' * len(s) + i
-                                                for i in script_strings])
-    else:
-      variables['console_scripts'] = ''
+        # console_scripts
+        console_scripts = []
+        for template, console_script in self.console_scripts.items():
+            console_scripts.append(console_script)
+        if console_scripts:
+            s = 'setup(' # placeholder string
+            script_strings = ['[console_scripts]']
+            for console_script in console_scripts:
+                template = ContentTemplate(console_script)
+                output = template.substitute(project=variables['project'],
+                                             package=variables['package'],
+                                             main=variables['main'])
+                script_strings.append(output)
+            variables['console_scripts'] = '\n'.join([' ' * len(s) + i
+                                                    for i in script_strings])
+        else:
+            variables['console_scripts'] = ''
 class PythonPackageCLI(MakeItSoCLI):
-  """
-  CLI front end for the python package template
-  """
-  usage = '%prog [options] project'
+    """
+    CLI front end for the python package template
+    """
+    usage = '%prog [options] project'
 def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
-  cli = PythonPackageCLI(PythonPackageTemplate)
-  cli(*args)
+    """CLI"""
+    cli = PythonPackageCLI(PythonPackageTemplate)
+    cli(*args)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
+    main()
--- a/	Tue Jun 24 11:44:43 2014 -0700
+++ b/	Wed Jul 09 15:48:41 2014 -0700
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 except IOError:
     description = ''
-version = '0.3.4'
+version = '0.3.5'