view bzconsole/ @ 55:a5b7ea791f64

author Jeff Hammel <>
date Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:04:03 -0700
parents 39325717218d
children baecb5a6f05b
line wrap: on
line source

console API to bugzilla

import base64
import httplib
import json
import os
import patch
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2

from StringIO import StringIO
from utils import tmpbuffer

class BZapi(object):
    """API to bugzilla"""

    # currently there is only one cache for configuration
    # TODO: should be one per server
    config_cache = '.bzconfiguration'

    def __init__(self,
        - refresh : refresh the (cached) configuration
        - print_request : log any request information to a file
        self.server = server
        self.base_url = base_url.rstrip('/')
        self.refresh = refresh
        self.print_request = print_request
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

    def products(self, classification=None):
        """list bugzilla products"""
        configuration = self.configuration()
        if classification:
            products = [i for i in configuration['product'] if configuration['product'][i]['classification'] == 'Components']
            return sorted(products)
            return sorted(configuration['product'].keys())

    def components(self, product):
        """list bugzilla components for a particular product"""
        configuration = self.configuration()
        assert product in configuration['product'], 'Product %s not found' % product
        return sorted(configuration['product'][product]['component'].keys())

    def _unique_components(self):
        """returns a dict of unique component, product"""
        retval = {}
        dupe = set()
        for product in self.products():
            for component in self.components(product):
                if component in retval:
                    retval[component] = product
        for d in dupe:
            del retval[d]
        return retval, dupe

    def users(self, match):
        """returns users matching a search string"""
        assert self.username and self.password, "Must be authenticated"
        return self._request('/user?match=%s' % match)

    def bug(self, number):
        """display a bug"""
        number = int(number)
        return self._request('/bug/%d' % number)

    def comments(self, bug, comment=None):
        display a bug's comments
        - comment: comment # to display

        bug = int(bug)
        if comment:
            if isinstance(comment, basestring):
                comment = [comment]
            comment = [int(c) for c in comment]
            raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
            return self._request('/bug/%d/comment' % bug)['comments']

    def log(self, bug, reverse=True, lines=2, limit=None):
        """brief comment log"""
        bug = int(bug)
        comments = list(enumerate(self.comments(bug)))
        if reverse:
        if limit is not None:
            comments = comments[:limit]
        template = "%(url)s\n%(author)s %(datetime)s \n%(text)s"
        output = []
        for index, comment in comments:
            text = '\n'.join([line.strip() if len(line) < 79 else line[:79] + '...'
                              for line in comment['text'].splitlines()[:lines]
                              if line.strip()])
            vals = dict(url='%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%d#c%d' % (self.base_url, bug, index),
            output.append(template % vals)

        return '\n\n'.join(output)

    def top(self, bug, lines=2, limit=4):
        """latest comments"""
        return self.log(bug, lines=lines, limit=limit, reverse=True)

    def summary(self, number):
        display bug summary:
        'bug 123456 - dancing is forbidden now'
        number = int(number)
        bug = self._request('/bug/%d' % number)
        return '%d - %s' % (number, bug['summary'])

    def new(self, component, title, product=None,
            version=None, description=None, whiteboard=(), cc=(),
            blocks=(), depends_on=()):
        """file a new bug. username and password must be set"""

        # sanity check
        if product:
            assert product in self.products(), "Product not found"
            assert component in self.components(product), "Component not found"
            unique, dupe = self._unique_components()
            assert component in unique, 'Unique component not found: %s' % component
            product = unique[component]
        assert title, 'Must provide a bug summary'
        assert self.username and self.password, "Must be authenticated"

        # infer version if not given
        versions = set(self._configuration['product'][product]['version'])
        if version is None:
            if len(versions) == 1:
                version = list(versions)[0]
                default_versions = ('unspecified', 'Trunk')
                for ver in default_versions:
                    if ver in versions:
                        version = ver
        assert version in versions, 'Version not found (Available versions for product "%s": %s)' % (product, versions)

        # create the needed data structure
        request = dict(product=product, component=component,
                       summary=title, version=version,
                       op_sys='All', platform='All',)

        # add CC, if given
        if cc:
            if isinstance(cc, basestring):
            users = []
            for match in cc:
                user = self.users(match)['users']
                assert len(user) == 1, 'Non-unique user: %s' % match
            request['cc'] = users

        # add blocks, if given:
        if blocks:
            blocks = [int(i) for i in blocks]
            request['blocks'] = blocks

        # add depends_on, if given
        if depends_on:
            depends_on = [int(i) for i in depends_on]
            request['depends_on'] = depends_on

        # get the bug description
        if not description:
            description = tmpbuffer()
        assert description, "Must provide a non-empty description"
        request['comments'] = [self._comment(description)]

        # add whiteboard, if given
        if whiteboard:
            if isinstance(whiteboard, basestring):
            whiteboard = ''.join(['[%s]' % i for i in whiteboard])
            request['whiteboard'] = whiteboard

        # POST the request
            results = self._request('/bug', request)
        except Exception, e:

        # return the URL
        return results['ref']

    def attach(self, bug, attachment, description=None, reviewer=None, comment=None):
        add an attachment to a bug

        - bug: bug number to attach to
        - attachment: file or URL of attachment
        - reviewer: flag for review (r?)
        - comment: add this comment to the bug
        # see also:

        # TODO: infer bug # from attachment path if possible

        assert self.username and self.password, "Must be authenticated"

        # read contents
        if '://' in attachment:
            # URL
            basename = attachment.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
            contents = urllib2.urlopen(attachment).read()
            # file path
            basename  = os.path.basename(attachment)
            contents = file(attachment).read()

        is_patch = bool(patch.fromstring(contents))
        if is_patch:
            content_type = 'text/plain'
            # TODO: better content_type
            content_type = 'text/plain'
        if not description:
            description = basename

        # patch flags
        flags = []
        if reviewer:
            # from
            flags.append({'name': 'review',
                          'requestee': {'name': reviewer},
                          'status': '?',
                          'type_id': 4 # yay for magic numbers! :/

        # create attachment data structure
        contents = contents.encode('base64')
        attachment= {'content_type': content_type,
                     'data': contents,
                     'description': description,
                     'encoding': 'base64',
                     'file_name': basename,
                     'flags': flags,
                     'is_patch': is_patch,
                     'is_private': False,
                     'size': len(contents)
        if comment:
            attachment['comments'] = [self._comment(comment)]

        return self._request('/bug/%s/attachment' % bug, attachment)

    def configuration(self):
        """bugzilla configuration"""

        if not hasattr(self, '_configuration'):
            config_cache = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], self.config_cache)
            if not self.refresh:
                    self._configuration = json.loads(file(config_cache).read())
            if not getattr(self, '_configuration', None):
                self._configuration = self._request('/configuration')
                if not self.print_request:
                    f = file(config_cache, 'w')
                    print >> f, json.dumps(self._configuration)
            self.refresh = False
        return self._configuration

    ### internal methods

    def _comment(self, text):
        retval = {'is_private': False, 'text': text}
        return retval

    def _request(self, path, data=None):
        url = self.server + path
        query = {}
        if self.username:
            query['username'] = self.username
        if self.password:
            query['password'] = self.password
        if query:
            query = urllib.urlencode(query)
            joiner = '?' in url and '&' or '?'
            url += joiner + query
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',
                   'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        if data:
            data = json.dumps(data)
        req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)

        # print out the request
        # from
        if self.print_request:

            f = file(self.print_request, 'a')
            class MyHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection):
                def send(self, s):
                    print >> f, s  # or save them, or whatever!
                    httplib.HTTPConnection.send(self, s)

            class MyHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
                def send(self, s):
                    print >> f, s
                    httplib.HTTPSConnection.send(self, s)

            class MyHTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
                def http_open(self, req):
                    return self.do_open(MyHTTPConnection, req)
            class MyHTTPSHandler(urllib2.HTTPSHandler):
                def https_open(self, req):
                    return self.do_open(MyHTTPSConnection, req)

            if self.server.startswith('https://'):
                opener = urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPSHandler)
                opener = urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPHandler)

            response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            if data:
                print data
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        the_page =
        return json.loads(the_page)