
age author description
2010-11-04 Jeff Hammel add most of what is needed to post a new bug....getting there
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel add credentials to ctor
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel add a tmpbuffer utility, from http://k0s.org/hg/bitsyblog/file/4df927b0d847/bitsyblog/blogme.py
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel stub for new bug
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel now can list products and components
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel initial thingy
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel reflect rename of class
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel change application name
2010-11-02 Jeff Hammel stub for bugzilla console application
No more entries