view chrome/MozillaFileLogger.js @ 198:59d4f04497dd

package into extension for profile, add direct file logging instead of stdout r=vlad
author Joel Maher <>
date Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:01:29 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

 * MozillaFileLogger, a log listener that can write to a local file.

var ipcMode = false; // running in e10s build and need to use IPC?
try {"UniversalXPConnect");
  var ipcsanity = Components.classes[";1"]
  ipcsanity.setIntPref("mochitest.ipcmode", 0);
} catch (e) {
  ipcMode = true;

function contentDispatchEvent(type, data, sync) {
  if (typeof(data) === "undefined") {
    data = {};

  var element = document.createEvent("datacontainerevent");
  element.initEvent("contentEvent", true, false);
  element.setData("sync", sync);
  element.setData("type", type);
  element.setData("data", JSON.stringify(data));

function contentSyncEvent(type, data) {
  contentDispatchEvent(type, data, 1);

function contentAsyncEvent(type, data) {
  contentDispatchEvent(type, data, 0);

try {"UniversalXPConnect");

  if (Cc === undefined) {
    var Cc = Components.classes;
    var Ci = Components.interfaces;
} catch (ex) {} //running in ipcMode-chrome

try {
  const FOSTREAM_CID = ";1";
  const LF_CID = ";1";
  // File status flags. It is a bitwise OR of the following bit flags.
  // Only one of the first three flags below may be used.
  const PR_READ_ONLY    = 0x01; // Open for reading only.
  const PR_WRITE_ONLY   = 0x02; // Open for writing only.
  const PR_READ_WRITE   = 0x04; // Open for reading and writing.
  // If the file does not exist, the file is created.
  // If the file exists, this flag has no effect.
  const PR_CREATE_FILE  = 0x08;
  // The file pointer is set to the end of the file prior to each write.
  const PR_APPEND       = 0x10;
  // If the file exists, its length is truncated to 0.
  const PR_TRUNCATE     = 0x20;
  // If set, each write will wait for both the file data
  // and file status to be physically updated.
  const PR_SYNC         = 0x40;
  // If the file does not exist, the file is created. If the file already
  // exists, no action and NULL is returned.
  const PR_EXCL         = 0x80;
} catch (ex) {
 // probably not running in the test harness

/** Init the file logger with the absolute path to the file.
    It will create and append if the file already exists **/
var MozillaFileLogger = {};

MozillaFileLogger.init = function(path) {
  if (ipcMode) {
    contentAsyncEvent("LoggerInit", {"filename": path});

  try {"UniversalXPConnect");
  } catch (ex) {} //running in ipcMode-chrome

  MozillaFileLogger._file = Cc[LF_CID].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
  MozillaFileLogger._foStream = Cc[FOSTREAM_CID].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
  MozillaFileLogger._foStream.init(this._file, PR_WRITE_ONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_APPEND,
                                   0664, 0);

MozillaFileLogger.getLogCallback = function() {
  if (ipcMode) {
    return function(msg) {
      contentAsyncEvent("Logger", {"num": msg.num, "level": msg.level, "info":' ')});

  return function (msg) {
    try {"UniversalXPConnect");
    } catch(ex) {} //running in ipcMode-chrome

    var data = msg.num + " " + msg.level + " " +' ') + "\n";
    if (MozillaFileLogger._foStream)
      MozillaFileLogger._foStream.write(data, data.length);

    if (data.indexOf("SimpleTest FINISH") >= 0) {

// This is only used from chrome space by the reftest harness
MozillaFileLogger.log = function(msg) {"UniversalXPConnect");
  if (MozillaFileLogger._foStream)
    MozillaFileLogger._foStream.write(msg, msg.length);

MozillaFileLogger.close = function() {
  if (ipcMode) {

  try {"UniversalXPConnect");
  } catch(ex) {} //running in ipcMode-chrome

  MozillaFileLogger._foStream = null;
  MozillaFileLogger._file = null;

if (ipcMode == false) {
  try {
    var prefs = Components.classes[';1']
    var filename = prefs.getCharPref('talos.logfile');
  } catch (ex) {} //pref does not exist, return empty string