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view .bashrc @ 926:f1168a3417d2 default tip
rm old email
author | Jeff Hammel <> |
date | Tue, 04 Mar 2025 10:21:18 -0800 |
parents | 0bb00763f6d2 |
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line source
#!/bin/bash ### bash rc file ### # source the profile, if it exists PROFILE=/etc/profile if [ -e "${PROFILE}" ] then . "${PROFILE}" fi # Test for an interactive shell. There is no need to set anything # past this point for scp and rcp, and it's important to refrain from # outputting anything in those cases. if [[ $- != *i* ]] ; then # Shell is non-interactive. Be done now! return fi # Enable colors for ls, etc. Prefer ~/.dir_colors #64489 if [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] ; then eval $(dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors) elif [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] ; then eval $(dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS) fi # variables export BROWSER=$(which firefox) export CLICOLOR=1 export EDITOR='emacs -nw' export JS_EDITLINE=1 # aliases alias awd="python -c 'import os; print (os.path.realpath(\".\"))'" alias currentpatch='echo `hg root`/.hg/patches/`hg qapp -v | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3 -d " "`' alias datestamp='date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S' alias envkeys='env | sed "s/=.*//" | sort' alias grep='grep --colour=auto' alias loopmplayer='mplayer -fixed-vo -loop 0 -fs' alias loopxine='xine -f -g -l' alias lsenv='env | sort | less' alias mslower='mplayer -osd-fractions 1 -speed 0.1 -osdlevel 3' alias patch='patch --reject-file=-' alias random="python -c 'import sys, random; foo = sys.argv[1:]; random.shuffle(foo); print (\" \".join(foo))'" alias sshlax='ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' alias weekstamp="date --date=\"$((`date '+%u'`-1)) days ago\" '+%b %d'" alias wget='wget --no-check-certificate' if [ -e ~/.bashttw ] then . ~/.bashttw fi # notification: from # alias alert_helper='history|tail -n1|sed -e "s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//" -e "s/;\s*alert$//"' alias alert='notify-send -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/gnome-terminal.png "[$?] $(alert_helper)"' # PROMPT PS1='# ' PS2='. ' PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${SSH_CLIENT/*/$HOSTNAME:}${PWD/~/~}\007"' # PATHs export PATH=~/firefox:~/bin:~/python:$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/games/bin:~/virtualenv:~/venv/bin export PYTHONPATH=~/python:$PYTHONPATH # clipboard if which xclip &> /dev/null then export CLIP_COPY="xclip -i" export CLIP_PASTE="xclip -o" elif which pbcopy &> /dev/null then export CLIP_COPY="pbcopy" export CLIP_PASTE="pbpaste" else export CLIP_COPY="tee" export CLIP_PASTE="true" fi ### functions gplot() { gnuplot -persist <(echo plot '"'$1'"') } lspath() { python -c 'import os; print ("\n".join(os.environ["PATH"].split(os.path.pathsep)))' } apply-patch() { # apply a patch # TODO: # - rewrite in python! # - extract this general pattern as a bash "decorator" like `lsdiff` in .bash_overrides # - right now level=1; make this configurable (somehow) if (( ! $# )) then echo "No patch supplied" return 1 fi for patch in $@ do if expr "$1" : 'http[s]\?://.*' &> /dev/null then IS_URL="true" else IS__URL="false" fi if [[ ${IS_URL} == "true" ]] then if curl --location "${patch}" 2> /dev/null | (command patch -p1 --dry-run &> /dev/null) then curl --location "${patch}" 2> /dev/null | command patch -p1 continue else echo "curl --location ${patch} 2> /dev/null | command patch -p1 --dry-run" curl --location "${patch}" 2> /dev/null | command patch -p1 --dry-run return $? fi else if patch -p1 --dry-run < ${patch} then patch -p1 < ${patch} continue else echo "patch -p1 --dry-run < ${patch}" patch -p1 --dry-run < ${patch} return $? fi fi done } cdwin() { # change directory to a window's location using its title, # as that is set to the cwd by PS1 [?] # TODO: ssh windows DIR=$(xwininfo | xwininfo | awk '{ print $NF }' | sed 's/"//g') DIR=${DIR/\~/$HOME} cd $DIR activate-nearest } function colors() { CLR_WHITE="\033[0;37m" CLR_WHITEBOLD="\033[1;37m" CLR_BLACK="\033[0;30m" CLR_GRAY="\033[1;30m" CLR_BLUE="\033[1;34m" CLR_BLUEBOLD="\033[0;34m" CLR_GREEN="\033[0;32m" CLR_GREENBOLD="\033[1;32m" CLR_CYAN="\033[0;36m" CLR_CYANBOLD="\033[1;36m" CLR_RED="\033[0;31m" CLR_REDBOLD="\033[1;31m" CLR_PURPLE="\033[0;35m" CLR_PURPLEBOLD="\033[1;35m" CLR_YELLOW="\033[0;33m" CLR_YELLOWBOLD="\033[1;33m" CLR_NOTHING="\033[0m" } colors hh() { history | awk '{$1="";print substr($0,2)}' } ### find functionality EXCLUDES="(\.svn)|(\.mo$)|(\.po$)|(\.pyc$)|(\.hg$)|(\.git$)" ff() { # nice fast find function if (( $# < 2 )) then FILENAME='*' # default -- look in all files else FILENAME=$2 fi CMD='command find -L $PWD -iname "${FILENAME}" -print0 2> /dev/null | xargs -r0 grep -il "$1" 2> /dev/null | egrep -v "${EXCLUDES}" 2> /dev/null' # echo $CMD eval $CMD } chainff() { # chained fast find if (( $# < 2 )) then return 1 # bad invocation fi RESULTS=`ff "$2" "$1"` shift 2 for i in $RESULTS do for arg in $@ do if grep -il "$arg" "$i" &> /dev/null then touch /dev/null else i="" break fi done if [ -n "$i" ] then echo $i fi done } cff () { # contextual fastfind if (( $# < 2 )); then local FILENAME='*' # default -- look in all files else local FILENAME=$2 fi for i in `ff "$1" "$FILENAME"`; do echo -e "$CLR_GREEN--->>> ""$CLR_YELLOWBOLD""$i""$CLR_NOTHING" : grep --color=auto -i -n -C 3 "$1" $i done } ### functions for files tmpfile() { # make a temporary file if `tempfile` not available if [ "$#" == "0" ] then args="tmp" else args=$@ fi for i in $args do NEWNAME=${i}.$RANDOM while [ -e $NEWNAME ] do NEWNAME=${NEWNAME}.tmp done echo "$NEWNAME" done } abspath() { # print absolute path python -c "import os; print (os.path.realpath('$*'))" } fn() { # put full name on clipboard and echo it python -c "import os; print (os.path.realpath('$*'))" | ${CLIP_COPY} ${CLIP_PASTE} } swap() { # swap two files if [ "$#" != "2" ] then echo "Usage: $FUNCNAME <file1> <file2>" return fi for i in "$1" "$2" do if [ ! -w "$i" ] then echo "$FUNCNAME: Can't move $i" return 1 fi done NEWNAME=`basename $1`.$RANDOM while [ -e $NEWNAME ] do NEWNAME=${NEWNAME}.tmp echo "$NEWNAME" done mv "$1" "$NEWNAME" mv "$2" "$1" mv "$NEWNAME" "$2" } verifyfiles() { # verify each line is an existing file while read line do test -e "${line}" echo $? $line done } ### functions for editing edpe() { # edit and pipe the buffer to stdout FILE=`tmpfile` $EDITOR $FILE cat $FILE rm $FILE } eend() { # edit the end of a file with emacs FILE=$1 shift emacs +`wc -l "$FILE"` $@ } ### buffer() { # temporary buffer with cat and /dev/null cat > /dev/null } ### `which` commands realwhich() { # which -> real paths command which $@ | while read line do python -c "import os; print (os.path.realpath('${line}'))" done } whview() { # which view less `realwhich $@` } whemacs() { # which emacs emacs -nw `realwhich $@` } lswhich() { # ls -l real which for i in "$@" do ls -l $(realwhich $i) done } ### functions for python pyfile() { # python file path python -c "import $1; print ($1.__file__)" } setup-all() { # setup all for development # TODO: flowerbed? for i in * do if [ -e "${i}/" ] then cd "${i}" python develop cd .. fi done } distribute() { # upload to pypi python egg_info sdist develop && twine upload dist/* } render_long_description() { # check the long_description from the command line: # python --long-description | > output.html } nearest-venv() { # find the nearest venv if [[ "$#" == "0" ]] then directory=$PWD else directory=$1 fi directory=$(python -c "import os; print (os.path.abspath('${directory}'))") while [[ "${directory}" != "/" ]] do activate="${directory}/bin/activate" if [ -e "${activate}" ] then echo ${directory} return 0 fi directory=$(dirname ${directory}) done return 1 } activate-nearest() { # activate the nearest virtualenv nearest=$(nearest-venv) activate=${nearest}/bin/activate if [ -e "${activate}" ] then . ${activate} fi } recreate-venv() { # recreate a virtualenv VIRTUALENV="" if ! which ${VIRTUALENV} then return 1 fi VENV_PATH=$(which ${VIRTUALENV}) echo VENV_PATH=${VENV_PATH} # update virtualenv if possible DIRNAME=$(dirname ${VENV_PATH}) if [ -d "${DIRNAME}/.git" ] then cd "${DIRNAME}" git pull cd -- fi # for each virtualenv given... for i in $@ do OLD_PWD=${PWD} echo "${i} : OLDPWD=${OLD_PWD}" # ...recreate it... ${VIRTUALENV} --clear "${i}" SRCDIR="${i}"/src if [ -d "${SRCDIR}" ] then . "${i}/bin/activate" cd "${SRCDIR}" for j in * do if [ -e "${j}"/ ] then cd "${j}" python develop cd .. fi done fi echo "cd OLD_PWD=${OLD_PWD}" cd ${OLD_PWD} done } ### functions for version control systems difffiles() { # which files are diffed; could use `lsdiff` grep '^+++ ' $@ | sed 's/+++ b\///' } git-diff-master() { # differences of a git repository with master git diff $(git merge-base HEAD master) } git-diff-total() { # diff of both added + modified files combinediff <(git diff) <(git diff --cached) } hg-update-all() { # update all hg repositories in the current directory for i in *; do if [ -e $i/.hg ] then cd $i hg pull hg update cd - fi done } hg-qcommit() { message=$1 hg qrefresh if [ -z "${message}" ] then hg qcommit else hg qcommit -m "${message}" fi hgroot=$(hg root) patches=${hgroot}/.hg/patches/ if [ -e ${patches}.hg ] then cd ${patches} hg push fi cd - } ### functions for web content blog-file() { echo "$HOME/web/blog/k0s/entries/public/$1" } ### apt-upgrade() { sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y upgrade } flatten() { directory=$PWD if [ "$#" == "1" ] then directory=$1 fi cd $directory unset find # don't use the alias find . -name '*' -type f | sed 's/.\///' | while read line do filename=$(echo $line | sed 's/\//-/g') mv "${line}" "${filename}" done for i in * do if [ -d $i ] then rm -rf "${i}" fi done } filehandles() { TMPFILE=$(tmpfile) ps -e|grep -v TTY|awk {'print "echo -n \"Process: "$4"\tPID: "$1"\tNumber of FH: \"; lsof -p "$1"|wc -l"'} > ${TMPFILE} . ${TMPFILE} | sort rm ${TMPFILE} } quotemail() { # TODO: -> textshaper command='s/^/> /' inplace="" if [ "$#" == "2" ] then inplace="-i" fi sed ${inplace} "${command}" "$1" } rmktmp() { TMPDIR=~/tmp if [ -e ${TMPDIR} ] then rm -rf ${TMPDIR} fi mkdir ${TMPDIR} cd ${TMPDIR} pwd } exists() { while read line; do echo ${line} : $(($(test "-e ${line}"\") )); done } java_home() { /usr/bin/env java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 | grep "java.home" | awk '{ print $NF; }' } ### ruby version manager [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function* export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" # Add RVM to PATH for scripting ### include overrides for commands source ~/.bash_overrides ### deactivate any virtualenvs if type deactivate &> /dev/null then DEACTIVATE_TYPE=$(type -t deactivate) if [[ ${DEACTIVATE_TYPE} == "function" ]] then deactivate elif [[ ${DEACTIVATE_TYPE} == "file" ]] then . deactivate fi fi ### source site-specific BASHRC extensions export LOCAL_BASHRC="${HOME}/.bashrc_local" if [ -e "${LOCAL_BASHRC}" ] then . "${LOCAL_BASHRC}" fi ### add ssh keys if which ssh-add &> /dev/null then if [ -e "${HOME}/.ssh/k0s_rsa" ] then ssh-add "${HOME}/.ssh/k0s_rsa" fi fi ### AWS credentials # XXX This only works with a credentials file with a single entry # if [[ -f "${HOME}/.aws/credentials" ]] # then # eval $(awk 'NR != 1 { print "export", toupper($1) "=" $3 }' ~/.aws/credentials) # fi if type -P xmodmap >> /dev/null && [[ -e "${HOME}/capslock" ]] then xmodmap "${HOME}/capslock" fi ### regenerate fluxbox menus here for convenience MENU=~/web/site/programs.html regeneratefluxmenu() { if [ -e "${MENU}" ] then "${MENU}" -o ~/.fluxbox/applications fi } regeneratefluxmenu export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion