view README.txt @ 40:89f7a8ca965c

add arguments to transformers....configparser is somewhat retarded about capitalization so im going to be somewhat retarded here rather than google for how to fix right now. lame
author Jeff Hammel <>
date Wed, 30 Jun 2010 22:33:26 -0700
parents 9ba237db4cde
children 5330cd62e179
line wrap: on
line source


what is it?

decoupage is a static file server that allows for index pages
configurable with genshi templates and .ini files.  I mainly wrote it
because i was tired of using apache for serving my website and
generating index.html files by hand.  Decoupage provides views into
the filesystem.

how do i use it?

Set up a `paste <>`_ .ini file that specifies the
directory to serve (````) and, optionally, a
configuration file .ini file (``decoupage.configuraton``) which
specifies the labels for the files based on directory. An example of a
`paste <>`_ .ini file is in
``decoupage.ini``. Note the ``[app:decoupage]`` section::

    paste.app_factory = decoupage.factory:factory = %(here)s/example
    decoupage.configuration = %(here)s/example.ini

The labels for files are in ``example.ini``, specified by sections as

    foo.txt = a file about cats

    lilly.txt = lilly
    hobbes.txt = a file about Hobbes

You can specify the entire layout from here.  Alternately, you can
have an ``index.ini`` in a directory which, if present, overrides the
default configuration.  Such a file is in the ``fleem`` subdirectory
of ``example``::

    /template = index.html
    fleem.txt = some fleem for ya

Try it out!  Install decoupage and run ``paster serve decoupage.ini``
and point your browser to the URL it gives you.

how do i do more with decoupage?

Since filenames can't start with a ``/`` (just try it!), the
functionality of decoupage may be extended with ``/`` commands in a
section.  This is done by adding a setuptools ``entry_point`` to
``[decoupage.formatters]``.  See the decoupage ```` and
``decoupage.formatters`` for examples.  For instance, 

Running `decoupage-formatters` from the command line gives the list of
formatters that are available (which are pluggable setuptools extension points
at [decoupage.formatters]).  For example: /include = site.html could
include the site.html genshi template at the top of the body.


    determines how to sort the files in a directory; 
    right now only by case-insensitive alphabetically
    * reverse : reverse the order of the sorting
    only pass files of a certain pattern; 
    the inverse of ignore
    calling all with no arguments means only files with descriptions
    are used
    splits a description into a title and a description via a
    separator in 
    the description.  The template will now have an additional
    'title', per file
    * separator: what separator to use (':' by default)
    obtain the description from the filename
    the file extension (if any) will be dropped and
    spaces will be substituted for underscores
    ignore files of a glob patterns.  
    These files will not be linked to in the template.
    e.g. /ignore = .* *.pdf  # don't list dotfiles and PDFs
include: include a file at the top of the body
css: specify CSS used (whitespace separated list)

Decoupage also makes use of other special intrinsic keywords:

formatters: ordered list of formatters to apply

inherit: inherit configuration from a certain directory (instead of
the parent

transform: a list of transformers for contenttransformer


 * allow transformers to be configurable on a per-directory basis
 * add a ``?format=rss`` query string argument
 * add a ``?template=foo.html`` query string argument