
age author description
2016-08-22 Jeff Hammel paster still throws a fit about this but might as well enable it to do so
2016-08-22 Jeff Hammel version bump
2016-08-22 Jeff Hammel make a proper python script for discovery and extension
2014-12-27 Jeff Hammel lets get these ordered
2014-03-30 Jeff Hammel STUB: decoupage/templates.py decoupage/index.py
2014-03-04 Jeff Hammel add stub shell script for index.ini creatoin
2014-02-01 Jeff Hammel STUB: decoupage/web.py
2014-01-13 Jeff Hammel directory indicator
2013-12-31 Jeff Hammel decoupage/web.py
2013-12-30 Jeff Hammel print datestamps
2013-12-29 Jeff Hammel add command line serving
2013-12-29 Jeff Hammel cli client
2013-12-15 Jeff Hammel CLI
2013-11-30 Jeff Hammel unicode
2013-07-05 Jeff Hammel bump version
2013-07-05 Jeff Hammel oops
2013-07-05 Jeff Hammel add some dates and fix some bugs!
2013-04-16 Jeff Hammel something about hash marks in filenames
2013-04-16 Jeff Hammel fix this muthafuckin assertion
2013-04-16 Jeff Hammel ???
2012-12-31 Jeff Hammel better error message
2012-08-29 Jeff Hammel error and bump
2012-08-24 Jeff Hammel introduce templated 404s; works, just doesnt do anything yet
2012-08-24 Jeff Hammel stub for 404 page
2012-08-09 Jeff Hammel fix rss bug
2012-08-04 Jeff Hammel make template loading lenient and other fixes; bump version
2012-08-04 Jeff Hammel whitespace cleanup
2012-08-04 Jeff Hammel quick cleanup
2011-11-19 Jeff Hammel make sort formatter more extensible and add a random method
2011-10-28 Jeff Hammel improvements to the inclusion template
2011-10-27 Jeff Hammel add inclusion template
2010-12-15 Jeff Hammel return exceptions rather than just raise them; needed for wsgiref and who knows what other servers
2010-12-15 Jeff Hammel move app_conf parsing logic to factory.py
2010-11-30 Jeff Hammel include head.html in the master template
2010-11-25 Jeff Hammel remove previous hacks
2010-11-22 Jeff Hammel add some RSS
2010-11-21 Jeff Hammel make formats classes that can take arguments
2010-11-18 Jeff Hammel depend on py2rssgen; not hooked up yet
2010-11-18 Jeff Hammel more stubbing for RSS
2010-11-18 Jeff Hammel dont show size for directories
2010-11-18 Jeff Hammel merge commit
2010-11-18 Jeff Hammel add documentation for formats and a stub
2010-11-05 Jeff Hammel dont capitalize unimportant words
2010-11-17 Jeff Hammel work towards refactor letting links (and maybe other things in the future) dwell in a decoupage namespace
2010-11-04 Jeff Hammel add "-" to list of FilenameDescription separators
2010-11-04 Jeff Hammel add size of file to metadata
2010-11-03 Jeff Hammel add idea of formats and json format
2010-11-03 Jeff Hammel add more metadata to files: modification time, type
2010-10-27 Jeff Hammel * make head.html actually be correct;
2010-10-27 Jeff Hammel add a stub head template for inclusion; not sure if this is the way to go; alternatively, each formatter could contribute to the markup individually
2010-09-09 Jeff Hammel add order formatter (untested)
2010-09-06 Jeff Hammel typo
2010-09-01 Jeff Hammel actual sane error handling that human beings can read and decipher
2010-09-01 Jeff Hammel print which formmaters werent available
2010-07-01 Jeff Hammel and a commit following a merge, goody goody...lets get a snack
2010-07-01 Jeff Hammel add arguments to transformers....configparser is somewhat retarded about capitalization so im going to be somewhat retarded here rather than google for how to fix right now. lame
2010-06-22 Jeff Hammel using a blank title will have the title be the filename
2010-04-20 Jeff Hammel bump version following distribution
2010-04-20 Jeff Hammel alter setup metadata
2010-03-08 k0s adding TODO items
2010-02-09 k0s better way of doing up; this breaks old behaviour so incrementing version
2010-02-08 k0s merged some stuff
2010-02-08 k0s include components necessary to make decoupage feel almost like a framework
2010-02-08 k0s included a links formatter; restructure index template
2010-02-02 egj merge from head
2010-02-02 egj better error message
2010-01-19 k0s remove montage formatter
2010-01-19 k0s more docmentation updates
2010-01-18 k0s minor documentation updates
2010-01-18 k0s now use contenttransformer to serve files if /transformer in directory configuration; TODO: cache on a per-directory basis
2010-01-09 k0s remove pointless get_response method
2010-01-09 k0s correct variable name
2010-01-04 egj unfold the list out of the reverseiterator which otherwise gets consumed and funky
2010-01-04 egj add formatter
2010-01-03 egj fix breakages
2010-01-03 egj try to fail gracefully if index.html exists
2010-01-03 egj css not stylesheets
2009-12-30 k0s update documentation
2009-12-26 k0s meaningful descriptions from filenames
2009-12-25 k0s add formatters to include css and genshi templates
2009-12-25 k0s misspelling
2009-12-25 k0s stub for putting stylesheets and includes on templates"
2009-12-25 k0s * get the templates in the correct way
2009-12-25 k0s * split on space in formatters to be consist with everything else
2009-12-25 k0s template improvements
2009-12-25 k0s * fix formatters
2009-12-25 k0s add ability to print formatters with decoupage-formatters console_script
2009-12-25 k0s add ability to print templates
2009-12-25 k0s remove extraneous pdb
2009-12-25 k0s mv decoupage to the web module bc thats where it should live; increment version
2009-12-25 k0s merging
2009-12-24 k0s include xi:include
2009-11-22 k0s add stub for template printing; does not work yet
2009-10-27 k0s use paste.fileapp as the fileserver
2009-09-08 jhammel adding comments about what this file contains
2009-09-07 k0s adding decoupage from http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/arbez/decoupage r355