view README.txt @ 72:6f384c989a29

modernize comment; this morning is SOOO out of date
author Jeff Hammel <>
date Thu, 09 Jun 2011 18:05:50 -0700
parents 0b2019d0af98
children c852ff04c940
line wrap: on
line source


Load python attributes from strings

JSON Format

pyloader uses a JSON-serializable format for the canonical
(serializable) form of python objects::

 {'foo': # (arbitrary) object name,
  {'args': ['positional', 'arguments'],
   'kwargs': {'keyword': 'arguments},
   'path': 'dotted.or.file.path:ObjectName'},
  'bar': ... } # etc 

Objects are instantiated like::

 ObjectName(*args, **kwargs)

In the case that the object is not to be instantiated (e.g. a
standalone function, ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will either not be
present or will be None (``null`` in JSON).

INI Format

pyloader also features an INI format which is translated to the JSON
Format but adds a few convenience features.  A simple object is
expressed as::

 . = positional, arguments
 keyword = arguments

``.`` expresses positional arguments which is a comma-separated
list. The remaining (key, value) pairs become keyword arguments. The
section name contains the object name (e.g. ``foo``) followed by a
``:`` followed by a loading path.  Like JSON, a dotted path or a file
path may be used. In addition, other (pluggable) loading paths are

- override loader: you can use a section name like ``[foo:bar]`` to
  override variables from the ``bar`` object with variables from

   . = cats, dogs
   type = count

   . = elephants
   type = concatenate

  The above results in a JSON blob for foo like::

   {'foo': {'args': ['elephants', 'cats', 'dogs'],
            'kwargs': {'type': 'concatenate'},
            'path': '/location/of/ini/file/some/'}}

  ``args`` is extended. ``kwargs`` will be overridden.

- wrappers: in addition to the override pattern, you can also wrap an


  This will create an object, ``foo`` which wraps the object ``baz`` in
  by the pattern given by ``bar``.  In this case, ``bar`` is provided
  a special variable, `%(app)s`.

  You can also do::


In addition, .ini files may include other .ini files.  This allows for
encapsulation of intent of specific .ini files::


INI files have a few convenience variables:

- %(here)s : the location of the directory the .ini file lives in
- %(object)s : used for wrappers

Additional variables may be provided by the consumer.

Summary of .ini decorator syntax

1. ``[foo:%(here)s/]``: create object ``foo`` of type
   ``MyClass`` using arguments given from the section

2. ``[foo:bar]``: create object ``foo`` using the pattern from section
   ``bar`` but overriding any arguments in the ``bar`` section with
   those from this section 

3. ``[foo:bar:%(here)s/]``: create object ``foo``
   which is an instance of ``MyClass`` wrapped in the object created by
   the ``bar`` pattern. ``bar`` is passed a special argument,
   ``%(object)s`` which is the instance of the wrapped object (the
   ``MyClass`` instance). Internally, the wrapped object is known by
   the whole section name (``foo:bar:%(here)s/``). The 
   arguments in this section apply to ``MyClass(...)``

4. ``[foo:bar:app=%(object)s,value=1:%(here)s/]``:
   the same as 3. but override the values in the ``bar`` section with
   ``app=%(object)s`` and ``value=1``

* ``[name:path]``
* ``[name:decorator:path]``
* ``[name:decorator:overrides:path]``


Jeff Hammel