view pyloader/ @ 39:db095765807d

update decorator syntax
author Jeff Hammel <>
date Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:08:57 -0700
parents 850d31be0fb8
children 2c228e3cd6d8
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

abstract factories

import cast
import loader
import os
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
from ConfigParser import InterpolationDepthError
from ConfigParser import InterpolationMissingOptionError
from ConfigParser import InterpolationSyntaxError
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser

__all__ = ['CircularReferenceError', 'PyFactory', 'IniFactory']

class CircularReferenceError(Exception):
    """factory has detected a circular reference"""

class PyFactory(object):

    delimeters = ('%(', ')s')

    def __init__(self, config=None, main=''):
        self.main = main  # main section
        self.configure(config or {})

    def configure(self, config):
        """load a new configuration"""
        # TODO: this should really be a configuration update.  If you keep
        # track of all "apps" and their parents (i.e. as a ADG)
        # you should be able to update only relevent apps
        self.config = config
        self.seen = set() # already seen apps to note cyclic dependencies
        self.parsed = {}  # instantiated apps

    def load(self, name=None):
        """load an object"""
        name = name or self.main # load main section by default
        assert name in self.config, "'%s' not found in configuration"
        if name in self.parsed:
            return self.parsed[name]
        if name in self.seen:
            raise CircularReferenceError('Circular reference! : %s' % name)

        # get section
        section = self.config[name]
        assert 'path' in section

        # load object
        obj = loader.load(section['path'])

        # get the object's arguments (if any)
        args = section.get('args', None)
        kwargs = section.get('kwargs', None)

        # if args and kwargs aren't there, you're done!
        if args is None and kwargs is None:
            self.parsed[name] = obj
            return obj

        # interpolate arguments
        if args:
            args = [self.interpolate(arg) for arg in args]
            args = []
        if kwargs:
            kwargs = dict([(key, self.interpolate(value))
                           for key, value in kwargs.items()])
            kwargs = {}

        # invoke
        self.parsed[name] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
        return self.parsed[name]

    def interpolate(self, value):

        # only interpolate strings
        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            return value

        if value.startswith(self.delimeters[0]) and value.endswith(self.delimeters[1]):
            value = value[len(self.delimeters[0]):-len(self.delimeters[1])]
            if value in self.config:
                return self.load(value)
        return value
class IniFactory(PyFactory):
    """load a python object from an .ini file"""

    def __init__(self, inifile, main=''):
        assert os.path.exists(inifile), "File not found: %s" % inifile
        self.inifile = inifile
        config =
        PyFactory.__init__(self, config, main)
    def read(cls, inifile):
        """reads configuration from an .ini file"""

        here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inifile))
        # read configuration
        defaults={'here': here,
                  'this': os.path.abspath(inifile)}
        parser = ConfigParser(defaults=defaults)
        parser.optionxform = str # use whole case

        decorators = {}

        # parse configuration
        config = {}
        for section in parser.sections():

            # sanity check
            assert ':' in section, "No : in section: %s" % section

            # make a dict for the section
            name, path = section.split(':', 1)
            path = path % parser.defaults()
            sect = config[name] = dict(path=path)

            # read the options
            for option in parser.options(section):

                if option in parser.defaults():
                    # don't include the defaults

                # try to interpolate the option
                # otherwise, use the raw value
                    value = parser.get(section, option)
                except (InterpolationMissingOptionError, InterpolationSyntaxError, InterpolationDepthError):
                    value = parser.get(section, option, raw=True)

                if option == '.': # positional arguments
                    sect['args'] = cast.str2list(value)
                    sect.setdefault('kwargs', {})[option] = value

        return config

def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
    """command line entry point"""
    usage = '%prog file1.ini -arg1 -arg2 --key1=value1 --key2=value2'
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=IniFactory.__doc__)
    options, args = parser.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:

    factory = IniFactory(args[0])
    obj = factory.load()
    print obj

if __name__ == '__main__':