view silvermirror-whitepaper.txt @ 21:da4848140985

author Jeff Hammel <>
date Thu, 16 Jan 2014 13:12:32 -0800
parents 5f95af14b51c
line wrap: on
line source

= SilverMirror Whitepaper =

It is necessary to maintain parallel directory structures of various  
resources across an arbitrary number of computers. The traditional  
approach is the central server model, where files live in one  
canonical location and the network is used to give access to the data.  
However, this model has deficiencies, chiefly among them that if the  
server goes down or must be moved a considerable amount of effort must  
be extended to set up a new central server.

Distributed version control, often of nominal use (in the case where a  
canonical trunk exists) is ideally suited to provide mirroring of  
desired resources across computers.

== Implementation ==

A front end to a DVCS or other - unison is completed,
mercurial is up next -
will be written to keep resources in sync across an arbitrary number  
of computers. The front end, called SilverMirror, may be used to push  
or pull changes to resources. Optionally, a daemon will monitor  
changes to resources and push or pull changes at desired intervals.

The use should be as natural as possible and require no interaction  
for everday tasks. A resource consists of a directory and all  
subdirectories and their contents. Once a resource is denoted as  
versioned, any change to the resource's directory structure should be  
mirrored across machines without user intervention. Files matching a  
pattern may be ignored, either globally or on a per resource basis,  
for the purpose of versioning.

== Configuration ==

SilverMirror is configured via an INI file containing a section for  
each resource and a section for application configuration.

The main section, denoted [::SilverMirror::], has the following options:

  * directory: base directory for SilverMirror. The SilverMirror  
configuration is stored in ${directory}/.silvermirror . If omitted,  
the user's home directory is used.

  * ignore: global patterns of files and directories to ignore. Paths  
matching these patterns will not be versioned.

  * reflector: which back-end to use (unison, hg, etc)

Each section has the following configuration options:

  * directory: path of the resource. If a relative path is used, it is  
joined with the directory setting from the main section. If this  
setting is not specified, the section name is used as a relative path.

  * ignore: paths not to version on a per resource basis. This is in  
addition to the patterns specified by the ignore setting in the main  

  * conflict: handler to resolve conflict.

  * hosts: hosts to push/pull from

In order to ensure coherency among resources, all relevant  
configuration options must be synced prior to push/pull transactions.

Default Configuration::

  conflict = ClobberRemote

Example of a more complex configuration::

  conflict.push = ClobberRemote
  conflict.pull = ClobberLocal

== Push ==

Push changes to remote resources. When resources are pushed, first  
changes are pulled from each remote host in turn, conflicts between  
local and remote changes are resolved (see Behavior on Conflicts),  
then local modifications are pushed. This is done to keep the  
resources in sync.

When new files are added to the resource they are automatically added  
to the hg repository. When resource files are edited the changes are  
pushed to the repository. When a conflict occurs between local  
resources and remote resources, the conflict handler is used.

== Pull ==

Get changes to the cloud filesystem resources. If no host is  
specified, pull changes from all known + accessible hosts.

== Namespaced Resources ==

It is possible to maintain versioning of a subdirectory within a  


  directory = /path/to/docs


This configuration snippet describes a resource, [docs:private],  
namespaced within the [docs] resource. [docs:private] inherits  
configuration and behavior from [docs] but may be dealt with  
separately. For example, some computers in the cloud may not have  
[docs:private] specified in their configuration and so will not get a  
copy of it upon pulling. A common use case is specifying a  
subdirectory to be omitted with the ignore option in the configuration  
file, then, when this subdirectory needs to be shared between multiple  
computers, removing it from the ignore values and including as a  
namespaced resource.

In the above example, because the directory option was not specified  
in the [docs:private] section, the path to [docs:private] is taken  
from its namespace (private) and the directory of its parent resource.  
So its base directory  is /path/to/docs/private . If a relative path  
was specified in the directory option of the [docs:private] section,  
it would be joined with the base directory of [docs].

== Behavior on Conflicts ==

Conflict handlers are set via setuptools entry points. Several  
conflict handlers are provided with SilverMirror:

  * ClobberLocal: replace local changes with changes from remote files

  * ClobberRemote: replace remote file changes with changes from local  

  * Edit: invoke an editor (default: $EDITOR) to interactively resolve  
the conflicts

The conflict handler may also be specified from the command line:

silvermirror push -d ClobberRemote

== Command Line Usage ==

silvermirror [push|pull] [resource] [options]

In the simplest invocation, SilverMirror is used with no command line  


This pushes changes of the resource as determined by the current  
working directory after pulling outstanding changes from all  
applicable remote computers and invoking the conflict handler for  
push. If the current working directory is not within a resource, all  
resources will be pushed.

Finer control is obtained by specifying command line arguments:

[push|pull] :  whether to use the push method (which includes pulling  
for changes; see above) or the pull method. If not specified, the  
resource is pushed.

[resource] :  which resource to act upon. This can be the resource  
name, as specified in the .ini file, or the path to the base directory  
of the resource. Note that if a path is specified, it must be to the  
base directory of the resource as SilverMirror has no notion of  
disparate versioning within a resource. If the resource is not  
specified, the resource that the current working directory is within  
is used. If the current working directory is not in a resource path,  
all resources are acted upon in turn. If the key word "--all" is used,  
all resources will also be acted upon.

[options] : several command line switches are available to the  
silvermirror program:

  * -d <handler> : specify which conflict handler to use. <handler>  
should be the name of the desired conflict handler. A list of all  
conflict handlers is available with the "--conflict-handlers" option.

  * -H <host>, --host=<host> : pull and/or push only to specified  
hosts. If this option is used more than once, the hosts specified will  
be acted upon.

  * --conflict-handlers :  list the name and description (if  
specified) for all available conflict handlers.

  * --help : displays help and usage information

Behavior Respecting Versioned Directories

SilverMirror does not desire to duplicate versioning on directories  
already under version control (svn, bzr, hg). These resources are  
automatically ignore. In a future implementation, these resources  
would optionally be checked out or updated upon a pull.

== Automatic Syncronization ==

SilverMirror includes a script that will automatically invoke  
syncronizing the resources in a specified period of time. This daemon,  
called silvermirrord, is invoked from the command line with options  
parallel to the silvermirror program. One additional option, -s, tells  
how many seconds between syncs. Upon invocation, this program puts  
itself in the background and performs the desired sync every number of  
seconds specified. It is important that the conflict handler specified  
is noninteractive, otherwise the daemon will hang forever.

As an alternative, the silvermirror program may be invoked from a cron  

== Events ==

SilverMirror [TODO] may be hooked up to an event listener for
filesystem changes and sync on them.

== Future Work ==

SilverMirror implements a cloud filesystem which may be accessed  
nearly  transparently by an arbitrary number of computers. Several  
improvements could extend SilverMirror to solve several deficiencies  
of modern filesystem.

  * tagging: in most filesystems, a file has a canonical location.  
However, it may be desirable to have the file accesible via multiple  
paths. In practice, this is achieved via symbolic links. However, this  
requires manual maintaince of links vs the canonical location. Noting  
that this problem is identical to tagging, a solution minimizing  
manual intervention could be added to SilverMirror.

  * update of web documents: modern computers deal heavily with  
documents via URLs. It is noted that this includes files, the URL of a  
file with path ${PATH} being file://${PATH} noted implicitly from  
contexts. However, existing shells and operating systems have no  
mechanism for indicating that a "file" is a web resource. Such  
functionality could be added to SilverMirror so that up-to-date
versions of web resources could be maintained.  This infrastructure
could also include notions for updating versioned resources (see
Behavior Respecting Versioned Directories) with parallel notation.

 * portable SilverMirror:  a utility should be created to put a
SilverMirror backup scheme on portable media.  This not only
includes a backup of the files, but also the SilverMirror program and
all of the files necessary to create a new SilverMirror node.

 * SilverMirror + Firefox Sync

== Vision ==

Essentially, SilverMirror is intended as a portable filesystem on a
filesystem type interface.