Continuous Integration: a good first step (?) Several practical concerns have led me to wonder if the *first* thing that should be setup is continuous integration. Yes, even before writing tests. A project is defined from the early stages of development -- much carries over from this nascent phase, from the install procedure to the API. Typically, a programmer expediently deploys the technologies they find they need, write a shim script, and develop from there. Changes in their environment, from non-versioned files to dependencies, are not recorded either in documentation or in code. Since the developer already has their environment setup for their programming, they do not have immediate need for these instructions. When another developer needs to utilize the project, or the project needs to be deployed, the setup instructions must be recreated, typically at first by hand. Then a set of instructions is typically posted at a wiki page or issue tracker. Since the first iterations were by hand, this list is usually wrong. The list gets corrected. Tests are written. At first it is sufficient to run these by hands, but at some point the investment in infrastructure to run the tests on all platforms pays off in terms of saving developer time. Then a CI system is in order. Despite common sense, the continuous integration steps are often different from how developers install the software and run the tests. Clever developers may anticipate and mitigate these losses of time and gains in frustration, but more work is done than is needed for the outcome. Take the developer time spend on setting up the environment as M. If N developers work (apart from the original developer) work on the project before there is an installation mechanism, N*M work is lost. Time is also lost in reconciling differences between CI results and hand-run results in builds and tests. Contrast with an approach where continuous integration is introduced from the start. Instead of just modifying their environment, a developer must record steps whereby they modify their environment. Since this should be idempotent anyway, a developer may test their results by invoking their recorded steps. In addition to having a recipe, you also provoke the advantage of thinking in terms of how you are modifying your environment. Is it over-complicated to set up? Is it fragile? Are there sticking points? You can guess that if there are, there will be the same for other developers and potentially users. You are forced to generalize. In addition, you work in a way that highlights deployment efficiency. Are your install scripts easy to use over an existing instance? Are you losing efficiency in your install? If it takes a long time for you, it will take a long time for others as well as the CI system. Your deployment tools become a first-class citizen instead of an afterthought. A project will be started with a VCS repository. A boilerplate ``INSTALL`` script checks out the repository and does whatever boilerplate is appropriate to the project of that type. Developing the software, you write a script and a test for this. Boilerplate could include a script that exits 0 and a test that invokes the script. Then you develop. You install dependencies. There will not be a ``~/joeuser/handwritten.dat`` on the CI machine, so you have to be a little more clever than that. If you need a resource, you have to set it up. With every checkin (at least initially), the CI system runs your install and tests your code. This ensures your code and tests are generically (to the definition of the CI setup) utilitarian. Of course, programmers can certainly bypass these velvet ropes, but once you are in that situation you've already lost. Programmers will be encouraged to write robust installs and tests that illustrate what they're working on. While there is an initial cost up front, the cost of initial developer time lost and the cost of developing a CI system for existant software is saved and may surmount the initial cost in short order. In addition, developers are encouraged to follow a tried and true pattern that leads to robustness. The software resulting should be easy to get started with and hacked on. In addition, the CI system provides an instant view into the status of developing software. Where is this project? With a suitable display, the status and complexity of the project as well as what is currently being worked on may be discerned. In order to make this system better, tools should be developed in order to avoid the up-front cost of infrastructure. There should be a way to create a new project. This will inject a stub into VCS and the CI system that will be cloned to the developer's area. Check-ins should trigger the install and test phase of the code. Tools may be developed to make the utilization of dependencies recipes. In this case, development is minimally disrupted, the developer left to focus on the intent of their project versus the nuts and bolts. Contrast with the copy+paste approach whereby legacy is perpetuated instead of condensed. Developers should be encouraged to treat functionality as modular, and effort as intent, instead of a developer process cultivated from the harvesting of corpses. The setup of the continuous integration system, being the central hub of developer activity, is an open area to explore expertise in refining the development process. Each organization and group will have particular needs and requirements to manifest their projects. So the CI system is programmed with a number of recipes. Recipes may diverge as software organically diverges, but they serve as a starting point of requirements. The CI system may be set up as stringently or as loosely as the current scoping requires. For a small group starting out, a very bare bones boilerplate suffices. As boilerplates grow and diverge, the system becomes more complex and specialized (though contrast this with needing to make a system more generalized). A typical recipe: 1. Install 2. Test 3. (Cleanup) You can use *this system* to develop *this system*! I think I will work on this software. See also: