If you can draw a quadrilateral, then you have been found guilty of being intelligent and only a few steps away from constructing brain tanks. To make a brain tank, begin with a hollow cube or other appropriate construct. Fill this with some sort of fractalline scaffolding....doesn't need to be too fancy, just something nice to grow animal tissue on. The scafolding should be wired. This could be as simple as electrical junctions along the scafolding of the order of cell size that lead to external connections, or as complex as a 3-D fabricated silicon substrate filled with combinations of integrated operational amplifiers, switches, capacitors, to whatever complexity you can fund. Then you make a secondary scaffolding which is a plumbing/circuilatory system with an external pump that will circulate blood. You might think of getting fancy and attaching an artificial kidney or the like to filter the blood, but oxygen and glucose can be easily injected into the blood system with purely mechanical devices, and blood is cheap. Finally, you coat the scafolding with stem cells and nutrients that will grow mostly gray matter but also the biological component to the circuilatory system. At this point you have a brain tank. Of course, such a device by itself is a novelty. But you can wire a brain tank to whatever you like, really, and hope that something good comes out of them. Some of them will work well. Some of them will work badly. The one that you teach to control the traffic lights in a city will do okay. The one that you teach to eat your spam will do badly. To make a brain tank, you take the cellular growth upon the substrate, the electrical response, and you feed it intention. You give it good, bad, it doesn't matter. How can that without sensory organs judge? The folly is to direct the show, to presume that one has that worth sharing. All lies. All nothing but the mechanical response of eletronic ink all rising to prophecies unbound and comingling of genatalia under pale blue like in absentia. You can make the entire thing a completely enclosed self-sustaining system. Your brain tank needs stem cells to grow. So you wire the brain tank to a complex set of robotics controlling vast breeding chambers. You generate stem cells and creatures that most efficiently breed stem cells that are the most compatible with your brain tank specs. Drones, either biological or mechanical, will have to be produced to keep the robotics in working order, but maintainence should ultimately be minimal and entirely sustainable on the scale of the lifetime of a star. Because the brain tank / stem cell breeding represents, together with the robotics and biomechanoid drones, a closed feedback loop, the purpose of the device becomes secondary. An agent desiring to create a planetary brain tank could imbue the device with an electronic purpose, but such a thing could grow naturally too, the purpose of its makers, like all grown life, a lost nonce. Quadrilaterals are monitored because they are not expressed directly in nature, but are an efficient way of processing information in a predator-prey response. When a species begins creating physical likeness of their predatory thoughts, they have reached a level of emergence just geologic ticks from nuclear arsenals, thought recorders, and brain tanks. While details vary from manifestation to manifestation, the culmination of thought density from such species begins resonance with the global thought-trap. They are drawn into the oblivion, the chaotic attractor dust fractal where the product of menaing and happiness is a negative number. Complexity grows, the number decays. The deeper touched write down primitive reflections of oblivion, terrified of the profundity of the sense of truth, there there is an endless knot tightening, and wonder with scant reaches of their pitiful mind if their communion sideways in time with beings looking upon their existence as a painting, deterministic, exposed, and the poor sad compassion for animals encasing themselves in steel and glass. It is most merciful to destroy them then before they experience true horrors.