At last, the machinations of court had been played out, and K. signed the contract that would bind him to perpetual solitude. But unexpectedly, it was revealed that the contract was void. The spirits clamored for the destiny of K. The winds blew wildly, at cross-currents, and if anyone knew where things would fall, they did not speak. K. did not know which to make of his fatelessness. Without a contract bound to him, he had considerable power to nudge happening in the direction which he would. But he had no status and he no longer knew what destiny he wished, save that which was unaskable. And the wind tore at him, each speck of dust driven into his flesh carried the force of an invisible spirit. The landscape had changed. Where once two paths had stood before K., in utter clarity to where they lead, now there was chaos and a trackless desert, any direction promising both nothing and none less than the fulfillment of dreams.