There was the case of divorce proceedings of two childhood sweethearts... After long and disjointed pre-trial arbitration, the Advocate stood and gave a single speech laden with esoterica and nuanced philosophic gestalts. While the nature of his contentions is debated by legal scholars to this day, backed with locked vaults of private communications secretly hoarded, the majorant opinion states (with some variation) that the pretense of monogamy[*] rests upon the instinct of procreation which cannot within a causal framework shown to have a positive or negative impact, nor even, in fact, that any meaning save the individual subjective can be interpreted from, herein, the ideas of "positive" or "negative". That any true devotion may be maintained between two individuals must be, in effect, exclusionary of loyalty to any other recipient and that, while possible, such a state is indicated generally[**] not to exist, and the profession and tolerence of the defendent of such generous offers even if at no direct cost undermined the literal as well as effectual tenents of the social contract with which they are claimed to have bound themselves. It was thereby concluded[***] that what the parties had contended to enter contractually as a legal betrothal had never held any sort of exhibited binding and was thereby untenable as a legal mechanism; and further, were the converse to be found valid, by violation of such an arrangement the once-happy "bride" would be the subject of reperations for the slight breech of acceptance of help in a karmically[****] binding situation, even if she herself was ignorant of the nature of the laws of communication, information association, and abject conciousness (in other words, the i.e. physical laws describing low-level information science, which remained legally undefined). Though the mediation was set for deliberation by jury, the judge, citing arcane laws and rites long forgotten but meticulously recorded in the canon, ruled that the case was outside of the rule of law and cast it out of court, the parties to find whatever finality they themselves would create. While few cases have been so closely studied, neither the judge's ruling nor the Advocate's contentions have ever been cited for precedent. ---- [*] some scholars extend this to love itself [**] statistically, although a rigorous proof is (believed to be) impossible [***] interpretation [****] the Advocate did not use the term "karma", but it is used here as a shorthand for what can only be described as an intimate description of the process of association as manifested by neural networks in biological beings but with implications extending further into the philosophic plane. No suggestion of mysticism is indicated here, nor (some would contend) by the Advocate.